identifier | No | Identifier[] | External Ids for this plan |
instantiatesCanonical | No | canonical[] | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition |
instantiatesUri | No | uri[] | Instantiates external protocol or definition |
basedOn | No | Reference<CarePlan>[] | Fulfills CarePlan |
replaces | No | Reference<CarePlan>[] | CarePlan replaced by this CarePlan |
partOf | No | Reference<CarePlan>[] | Part of referenced CarePlan |
status | Yes | code | draft / active / on-hold / revoked / completed / entered-in-error / unknown |
intent | Yes | code | proposal / plan / order / option |
category | No | CodeableConcept[] | Type of plan |
title | No | string | Human-friendly name for the care plan |
description | No | string | Summary of nature of plan |
subject | Yes | Reference<Patient / Group> | Who the care plan is for |
encounter | No | Reference<Encounter> | Encounter created as part of |
period | No | Period | Time period plan covers |
created | No | dateTime | Date record was first recorded |
author | No | Reference<Patient / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / Device / RelatedPerson / Organization / CareTeam> | Who is the designated responsible party |
contributor | No | Reference<Patient / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / Device / RelatedPerson / Organization / CareTeam>[] | Who provided the content of the care plan |
careTeam | No | Reference<CareTeam>[] | Who’s involved in plan? |
addresses | No | Reference<Condition>[] | Health issues this plan addresses |
supportingInfo | No | Reference<Resource>[] | Information considered as part of plan |
goal | No | Reference<Goal>[] | Desired outcome of plan |
activity | No | CarePlanActivity | Action to occur as part of plan |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- outcomeCodeableConcept | No | CodeableConcept[] | Results of the activity |
- outcomeReference | No | Reference<Resource>[] | Appointment, Encounter, Procedure, etc. |
- progress | No | Annotation[] | Comments about the activity status/progress |
- reference | No | Reference<Appointment / CommunicationRequest / DeviceRequest / MedicationRequest / NutritionOrder / Task / ServiceRequest / VisionPrescription / RequestGroup> | Activity details defined in specific resource |
- detail | No | CarePlanActivityDetail | In-line definition of activity |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- kind | No | code | Appointment / CommunicationRequest / DeviceRequest / MedicationRequest / NutritionOrder / Task / ServiceRequest / VisionPrescription |
- instantiatesCanonical | No | canonical[] | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition |
- instantiatesUri | No | uri[] | Instantiates external protocol or definition |
- code | No | CodeableConcept | Detail type of activity |
- reasonCode | No | CodeableConcept[] | Why activity should be done or why activity was prohibited |
- reasonReference | No | Reference<Condition / Observation / DiagnosticReport / DocumentReference>[] | Why activity is needed |
- goal | No | Reference<Goal>[] | Goals this activity relates to |
- status | Yes | code | not-started / scheduled / in-progress / on-hold / completed / cancelled / stopped / unknown / entered-in-error |
- statusReason | No | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status |
- doNotPerform | No | boolean | If true, activity is prohibiting action |
- scheduled[x] | No | Timing, Period, string | When activity is to occur |
- location | No | Reference<Location> | Where it should happen |
- performer | No | Reference<Practitioner / PractitionerRole / Organization / RelatedPerson / Patient / CareTeam / HealthcareService / Device>[] | Who will be responsible? |
- product[x] | No | CodeableConcept, Reference<Medication / Substance> | What is to be administered/supplied |
- dailyAmount | No | Quantity | How to consume/day? |
- quantity | No | Quantity | How much to administer/supply/consume |
- description | No | string | Extra info describing activity to perform |
note | No | Annotation[] | Comments about the plan |