
identifierNoIdentifier[]Business identifier
instantiatesCanonicalNocanonical[]Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
instantiatesUriNouri[]Instantiates external protocol or definition
basedOnNoReference<Resource>[]Fulfills plan, proposal, or order
replacesNoReference<Resource>[]Request(s) replaced by this request
groupIdentifierNoIdentifierComposite request this is part of
statusYescodedraft / active / on-hold / revoked / completed / entered-in-error / unknown
intentYescodeproposal / plan / directive / order / original-order / reflex-order / filler-order / instance-order / option
priorityNocoderoutine / urgent / asap / stat
codeNoCodeableConceptWhat’s being requested/ordered
subjectNoReference<Patient / Group>Who the request group is about
encounterNoReference<Encounter>Created as part of
authoredOnNodateTimeWhen the request group was authored
authorNoReference<Device / Practitioner / PractitionerRole>Device or practitioner that authored the request group
reasonCodeNoCodeableConcept[]Why the request group is needed
reasonReferenceNoReference<Condition / Observation / DiagnosticReport / DocumentReference>[]Why the request group is needed
noteNoAnnotation[]Additional notes about the response
actionNoRequestGroupActionProposed actions, if any
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- prefixNostringUser-visible prefix for the action (e.g. 1. or A.)
- titleNostringUser-visible title
- descriptionNostringShort description of the action
- textEquivalentNostringStatic text equivalent of the action, used if the dynamic aspects cannot be interpreted by the receiving system
- priorityNocoderoutine / urgent / asap / stat
- codeNoCodeableConcept[]Code representing the meaning of the action or sub-actions
- documentationNoRelatedArtifact[]Supporting documentation for the intended performer of the action
- conditionNoRequestGroupActionConditionWhether or not the action is applicable
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- kindYescodeapplicability / start / stop
- expressionNoExpressionBoolean-valued expression
- relatedActionNoRequestGroupActionRelatedActionRelationship to another action
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- actionIdYesidWhat action this is related to
- relationshipYescodebefore-start / before / before-end / concurrent-with-start / concurrent / concurrent-with-end / after-start / after / after-end
- offset[x]NoDuration, RangeTime offset for the relationship
- timing[x]NodateTime, Age, Period, Duration, Range, TimingWhen the action should take place
- participantNoReference<Patient / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / RelatedPerson / Device>[]Who should perform the action
- typeNoCodeableConceptcreate / update / remove / fire-event
- groupingBehaviorNocodevisual-group / logical-group / sentence-group
- selectionBehaviorNocodeany / all / all-or-none / exactly-one / at-most-one / one-or-more
- requiredBehaviorNocodemust / could / must-unless-documented
- precheckBehaviorNocodeyes / no
- cardinalityBehaviorNocodesingle / multiple
- resourceNoReference<Resource>The target of the action
- actionNo[]Sub action

Search Parameters

authorreferenceThe author of the request
authoreddateThe date the request group was authoredRequestGroup.authoredOn
codetokenThe code of the request groupRequestGroup.code
encounterreferenceThe encounter the request group applies toRequestGroup.encounter
group-identifiertokenThe group identifier for the request groupRequestGroup.groupIdentifier
identifiertokenExternal identifiers for the request groupRequestGroup.identifier
instantiates-canonicalreferenceThe FHIR-based definition from which the request group is realizedRequestGroup.instantiatesCanonical
instantiates-uriuriThe external definition from which the request group is realizedRequestGroup.instantiatesUri
intenttokenThe intent of the request groupRequestGroup.intent
participantreferenceThe participant in the requests in the groupRequestGroup.action.participant
patientreferenceThe identity of a patient to search for request groupsRequestGroup.subject
prioritytokenThe priority of the request groupRequestGroup.priority
statustokenThe status of the request groupRequestGroup.status
subjectreferenceThe subject that the request group is aboutRequestGroup.subject

Inherited Properties

idNostringLogical id of this artifact
metaNoMetaMetadata about the resource
implicitRulesNouriA set of rules under which this content was created
languageNocodeLanguage of the resource content
textNoNarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
containedNoResource[]Contained, inline Resources
extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored

To view the FHIR specification for this resource, see RequestGroup.