
identifierNoIdentifier[]External Ids for this goal
lifecycleStatusYescodeproposed / planned / accepted / active / on-hold / completed / cancelled / entered-in-error / rejected
achievementStatusNoCodeableConceptin-progress / improving / worsening / no-change / achieved / sustaining / not-achieved / no-progress / not-attainable
categoryNoCodeableConcept[]E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc.
priorityNoCodeableConcepthigh-priority / medium-priority / low-priority
descriptionYesCodeableConceptCode or text describing goal
subjectYesReference<Patient / Group / Organization>Who this goal is intended for
start[x]Nodate, CodeableConceptWhen goal pursuit begins
targetNoGoalTargetTarget outcome for the goal
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- measureNoCodeableConceptThe parameter whose value is being tracked
- detail[x]NoQuantity, Range, CodeableConcept, string, boolean, integer, RatioThe target value to be achieved
- due[x]Nodate, DurationReach goal on or before
statusDateNodateWhen goal status took effect
statusReasonNostringReason for current status
expressedByNoReference<Patient / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / RelatedPerson>Who’s responsible for creating Goal?
addressesNoReference<Condition / Observation / MedicationStatement / NutritionOrder / ServiceRequest / RiskAssessment>[]Issues addressed by this goal
noteNoAnnotation[]Comments about the goal
outcomeCodeNoCodeableConcept[]What result was achieved regarding the goal?
outcomeReferenceNoReference<Observation>[]Observation that resulted from goal

Search Parameters

identifiertokenExternal Ids for this goalGoal.identifier
patientreferenceWho this goal is intended forGoal.subject
achievement-statustokenin-progress / improving / worsening / no-change / achieved / sustaining / not-achieved / no-progress / not-attainableGoal.achievementStatus
categorytokenE.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc.Goal.category
lifecycle-statustokenproposed / planned / accepted / active / on-hold / completed / cancelled / entered-in-error / rejectedGoal.lifecycleStatus
start-datedateWhen goal pursuit beginsGoal.start
subjectreferenceWho this goal is intended forGoal.subject
target-datedateReach goal on or

Inherited Properties

idNostringLogical id of this artifact
metaNoMetaMetadata about the resource
implicitRulesNouriA set of rules under which this content was created
languageNocodeLanguage of the resource content
textNoNarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
containedNoResource[]Contained, inline Resources
extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored

To view the FHIR specification for this resource, see Goal.