Some features include the ability to filter data. In those cases, the syntax below can be used:

  • unquoted text: all words are required to be present in the results, in any order.
  • "quoted text": text inside quote marks will be expected to be included in the results as provided.
  • or: allows for optional words/parameter.
  • -: excludes the word/parameter following the minus sign.


  • "john doe": returns entries including john doe in this order.
  • john doe: returns entries including john and doe in any order; e.g., john doe, john gray doe, or doe john, but not those with only john or doe.
  • john or doe: returns entries including john or doe; e.g., john, doe, john doe, doe john, doe gray john.
  • john -doe: returns entries including john without any doe on it.

For information about Pagination, see the pagination page.