
identifierNoIdentifier[]Instance identifier
udiDeviceIdentifierNoDeviceDefinitionUdiDeviceIdentifierUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- deviceIdentifierYesstringThe identifier that is to be associated with every Device that references this DeviceDefintiion for the issuer and jurisdication porvided in the DeviceDefinition.udiDeviceIdentifier
- issuerYesuriThe organization that assigns the identifier algorithm
- jurisdictionYesuriThe jurisdiction to which the deviceIdentifier applies
manufacturer[x]Nostring, Reference<Organization>Name of device manufacturer
deviceNameNoDeviceDefinitionDeviceNameA name given to the device to identify it
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- nameYesstringThe name of the device
- typeYescodeudi-label-name / user-friendly-name / patient-reported-name / manufacturer-name / model-name / other
modelNumberNostringThe model number for the device
typeNoCodeableConceptWhat kind of device or device system this is
specializationNoDeviceDefinitionSpecializationThe capabilities supported on a device, the standards to which the device conforms for a particular purpose, and used for the communication
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- systemTypeYesstringThe standard that is used to operate and communicate
- versionNostringThe version of the standard that is used to operate and communicate
versionNostring[]Available versions
safetyNoCodeableConcept[]Safety characteristics of the device
shelfLifeStorageNoProductShelfLife[]Shelf Life and storage information
physicalCharacteristicsNoProdCharacteristicDimensions, color etc.
languageCodeNoCodeableConcept[]Language code for the human-readable text strings produced by the device (all supported)
capabilityNoDeviceDefinitionCapabilityDevice capabilities
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- typeYesCodeableConceptType of capability
- descriptionNoCodeableConcept[]Description of capability
propertyNoDeviceDefinitionPropertyThe actual configuration settings of a device as it actually operates, e.g., regulation status, time properties
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- typeYesCodeableConceptCode that specifies the property DeviceDefinitionPropetyCode (Extensible)
- valueQuantityNoQuantity[]Property value as a quantity
- valueCodeNoCodeableConcept[]Property value as a code, e.g., NTP4 (synced to NTP)
ownerNoReference<Organization>Organization responsible for device
contactNoContactPoint[]Details for human/organization for support
urlNouriNetwork address to contact device
onlineInformationNouriAccess to on-line information
noteNoAnnotation[]Device notes and comments
quantityNoQuantityThe quantity of the device present in the packaging (e.g. the number of devices present in a pack, or the number of devices in the same package of the medicinal product)
parentDeviceNoReference<DeviceDefinition>The parent device it can be part of
materialNoDeviceDefinitionMaterialA substance used to create the material(s) of which the device is made
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- substanceYesCodeableConceptThe substance
- alternateNobooleanIndicates an alternative material of the device
- allergenicIndicatorNobooleanWhether the substance is a known or suspected allergen
classificationNoDeviceDefinitionClassificationWhat kind of device or device system this is
- idNostringUnique id for inter-element referencing
- extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
- modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
- typeYesCodeableConceptA classification or risk class of the device model
- justificationNoRelatedArtifact[]Further information qualifying this classification of the device model
bodySiteNoCodeableConceptTarget body site

Search Parameters

identifiertokenThe identifier of the componentDeviceDefinition.identifier
parentreferenceThe parent DeviceDefinition resourceDeviceDefinition.parentDevice
typetokenThe device component typeDeviceDefinition.type
classificationtokenThe device component classificationDeviceDefinition.classification.type

Inherited Properties

idNostringLogical id of this artifact
metaNoMetaMetadata about the resource
implicitRulesNouriA set of rules under which this content was created
languageNocodeLanguage of the resource content
textNoNarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
containedNoResource[]Contained, inline Resources
extensionNoExtension[]Additional content defined by implementations
modifierExtensionNoExtension[]Extensions that cannot be ignored

To view the FHIR specification for this resource, see DeviceDefinition.