Name | Required | Type | Description |
identifier | No | Identifier[] | Account number |
status | Yes | code | active / inactive / entered-in-error / on-hold / unknown |
type | No | CodeableConcept | E.g. patient, expense, depreciation |
name | No | string | Human-readable label |
subject | No | Reference<Patient / Device / Practitioner / PractitionerRole / Location / HealthcareService / Organization>[] | The entity that caused the expenses |
servicePeriod | No | Period | Transaction window |
coverage | No | AccountCoverage | The party(s) that are responsible for covering the payment of this account, and what order should they be applied to the account |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- coverage | Yes | Reference<Coverage> | The party(s), such as insurances, that may contribute to the payment of this account |
- priority | No | positiveInt | The priority of the coverage in the context of this account |
owner | No | Reference<Organization> | Entity managing the Account |
description | No | string | Explanation of purpose/use |
guarantor | No | AccountGuarantor | The parties ultimately responsible for balancing the Account |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- party | Yes | Reference<Patient / RelatedPerson / Organization> | Responsible entity |
- onHold | No | boolean | Credit or other hold applied |
- period | No | Period | Guarantee account during |
partOf | No | Reference<Account> | Reference to a parent Account |
Search Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Expression |
identifier | token | Account number | Account.identifier |
name | string | Human-readable label | |
owner | reference | Entity managing the Account | Account.owner |
patient | reference | The entity that caused the expenses | Account.subject |
period | date | Transaction window | Account.servicePeriod |
status | token | active / inactive / entered-in-error / on-hold / unknown | Account.status |
subject | reference | The entity that caused the expenses | Account.subject |
type | token | E.g. patient, expense, depreciation | Account.type |
Inherited Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
id | No | string | Logical id of this artifact |
meta | No | Meta | Metadata about the resource |
implicitRules | No | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
language | No | code | Language of the resource content |
text | No | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation |
contained | No | Resource[] | Contained, inline Resources |
extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
To view the FHIR specification for this resource, see Account.