We’ve developed an SDK to help you get access to our API without the HTTP plumbing. It’s currently only available for Node-based applications (let us know what other languages you’d like to see it available on).

The SDK is available as an NPM package and you can access it here - it’s written in Typescript, and includes strong typing for all of our data models.

To install:

npm install --save @metriport/api-sdk

Initialize it like so:

import { MetriportDevicesApi } from "@metriport/api-sdk";

const metriportClient = new MetriportDevicesApi("YOUR_API_KEY", {
  sandbox: false, // set to true to use the sandbox environment

Some examples of usage, once the API client is initialized:

// create user in Metriport and get the Metriport user ID
const metriportUserId = await metriportClient.getMetriportUserId("your-internal-user-id");

// create a session token to be used in the Metriport Connect widget
const connectToken = await metriportClient.getConnectToken(metriportUserId);

// query for body data after the user has connected a device
const response = await metriportClient.getBodyData(metriportUserId, "2023-01-01");

The operations available follow the API Reference specification.

The client source code contain only the exposed operations and is available here.