
This is a guide to help you integrate with Tenovi - a remote patient monitoring (RPM) device provider. When a patient takes measurements with Tenovi RPM devices, the data will be made available both through webhooks, and our REST API.

You can read more about what data types are supported on our integrations page.


As a prerequisite, we recommend following our Devices API quickstart guide, up to and including the “Integrate your app with Metriport” step.

To integrate with Tenovi, you will need to do the following for each of your users:

  1. Obtain a connect token for the user;
  2. Activate the user’s Tenovi device(s) using the Connect RPM Device endpoint.

In the Connect RPM Device endpoint, you will need to use the Tenovi Patient ID as the deviceUserId, and the HWI ID, as deviceIds.

REST Endpoints

To use any of these endpoints, you will need to use the headers.

With Tenovi, you can query for past user data using one of the following endpoints:

You can revoke a user’s access to Tenovi with the following endpoint:

You can disconnect a single device from the user using the following endpoint:


The following headers are required to use the REST endpoints outlined above (see image below for reference).


Your company’s API key generated on Tenovi’s Client Home page.


Your company’s name as indicated on your custom Tenovi URL, what comes after ”https://api2.tenovi.com/clients/…“.

Device Reassignment

If you would like to reassign a device from one patient to another, please follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Devices page of the Tenovi dashboard, note down the Gateway ID of the device you want to disconnect (see image below).
  1. Use the disconnectDevice or revokeProviderAccess endpoint to disconnect the currently-connected user from the device. This step also deactivates the device, preventing it from sending any further webhooks.

  2. On the same page from step #1, click the Patient ID you would like to remove. Verify you clicked the ID of the patient that will no longer use this device. Press “Remove Patient” and confirm the action by clicking “OK”.

  3. Press the resulting “N/A” field under the Patient ID, and fill out the information for the new patient.

  4. Re-activate the device by entering the Gateway ID from step #1.

  5. Connect a new user by following the steps outlined in the Setup section using the Patient ID you entered in step #4.

If you forgot to note down the Gateway ID for your device from step #1, you can find it on the sticker on the back of your Gateway device.