
This is a guide to help you integrate with Apple Health - a repository for health and fitness data available on iPhone and iPad devices. We provide an SDK that allows you to receive Apple Health data in the background via webhooks. When a user adds health data, the SDK will automatically send it to the Metriport API after the user goes back to your app, and we’ll forward it to your webhook URL.

Apple Health is available for devices on iOS v13 or higher. This also applies for when developing on a simulator.

As a prerequisite, we suggest looking at our webhooks docs to understand how the flow works.

Initial Setup

1. Enable HealthKit

First thing you need to do is enable HealthKit capabilities for your app. In Xcode, select the project, click on the Signing & Capabilities tab and add the HealthKit capability. Make sure to select Background Delivery under Capabilities to be able to receive data via webhooks.

You will need a paid Apple Developer account to be able to access HealthKit capabilities. Otherwise, you will see provisioning errors when trying to build the project, and won’t be able to integrate with Apple Health.

If you have an Info.plist file in your project directory, add the following key to the file:

<string>Share health usage with this app.</string>

If you don’t have an Info.plist file, you can set this by select the Xcode project, clicking on the Info tab, and adding the key/value there.

2. Install the Metriport Connect Widget SDK

Install the SDK for the platform you’re using, to easily integrate the Connect Widget into your app:

Receiving Data

The way we receive and send data via webhooks is in 2 steps:

Step 1: When the user first connects to Apple Health we will make an initial query for all data within the last 30 days. This will be a daily average of all data types.

Step 2: Once this data is queried we will then listen on an hourly basis for any updates to the Apple Health. If there are changes then a query will be sent via webhook with just the data that’s been added.

To understand the data you should expect to receive from Apple Health checkout our data models.

When listening for hourly changes you’ll notice that the metadata contains an hour field as shown below. This is to signify the hour of the day in which the data is aggregated which will be in the format of HH:00. To learn more view model.

  "body": [
      "metadata": {
        "date": "2023-06-14",
        "hour": "17:00",
        "source": "apple"
      "weight_kg": 72
      "metadata": {
        "date": "2023-06-14",
        "hour": "18:00",
        "source": "apple"
      "weight_kg": 74
      "metadata": {
        "date": "2023-06-14",
        "hour": "19:00",
        "source": "apple"
      "weight_kg": 74