url | No | uri | Canonical identifier for this risk evidence synthesis, represented as a URI (globally unique) |
identifier | No | Identifier[] | Additional identifier for the risk evidence synthesis |
version | No | string | Business version of the risk evidence synthesis |
name | No | string | Name for this risk evidence synthesis (computer friendly) |
title | No | string | Name for this risk evidence synthesis (human friendly) |
status | Yes | code | draft / active / retired / unknown |
date | No | dateTime | Date last changed |
publisher | No | string | Name of the publisher (organization or individual) |
contact | No | ContactDetail[] | Contact details for the publisher |
description | No | markdown | Natural language description of the risk evidence synthesis |
note | No | Annotation[] | Used for footnotes or explanatory notes |
useContext | No | UsageContext[] | The context that the content is intended to support |
jurisdiction | No | CodeableConcept[] | Intended jurisdiction for risk evidence synthesis (if applicable) |
copyright | No | markdown | Use and/or publishing restrictions |
approvalDate | No | date | When the risk evidence synthesis was approved by publisher |
lastReviewDate | No | date | When the risk evidence synthesis was last reviewed |
effectivePeriod | No | Period | When the risk evidence synthesis is expected to be used |
topic | No | CodeableConcept[] | The category of the EffectEvidenceSynthesis, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc. |
author | No | ContactDetail[] | Who authored the content |
editor | No | ContactDetail[] | Who edited the content |
reviewer | No | ContactDetail[] | Who reviewed the content |
endorser | No | ContactDetail[] | Who endorsed the content |
relatedArtifact | No | RelatedArtifact[] | Additional documentation, citations, etc. |
synthesisType | No | CodeableConcept | Type of synthesis |
studyType | No | CodeableConcept | Type of study |
population | Yes | Reference<EvidenceVariable> | What population? |
exposure | No | Reference<EvidenceVariable> | What exposure? |
outcome | Yes | Reference<EvidenceVariable> | What outcome? |
sampleSize | No | RiskEvidenceSynthesisSampleSize | What sample size was involved? |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- description | No | string | Description of sample size |
- numberOfStudies | No | integer | How many studies? |
- numberOfParticipants | No | integer | How many participants? |
riskEstimate | No | RiskEvidenceSynthesisRiskEstimate | What was the estimated risk |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- description | No | string | Description of risk estimate |
- type | No | CodeableConcept | Type of risk estimate |
- value | No | decimal | Point estimate |
- unitOfMeasure | No | CodeableConcept | What unit is the outcome described in? |
- denominatorCount | No | integer | Sample size for group measured |
- numeratorCount | No | integer | Number with the outcome |
- precisionEstimate | No | RiskEvidenceSynthesisRiskEstimatePrecisionEstimate | How precise the estimate is |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- type | No | CodeableConcept | Type of precision estimate |
- level | No | decimal | Level of confidence interval |
- from | No | decimal | Lower bound |
- to | No | decimal | Upper bound |
certainty | No | RiskEvidenceSynthesisCertainty | How certain is the risk |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- rating | No | CodeableConcept[] | Certainty rating |
- note | No | Annotation[] | Used for footnotes or explanatory notes |
- certaintySubcomponent | No | RiskEvidenceSynthesisCertaintyCertaintySubcomponent | A component that contributes to the overall certainty |
- id | No | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing |
- extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
- modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
- type | No | CodeableConcept | Type of subcomponent of certainty rating |
- rating | No | CodeableConcept[] | Subcomponent certainty rating |
- note | No | Annotation[] | Used for footnotes or explanatory notes |