Name | Required | Type | Description |
identifier | No | Identifier[] | Business Identifier for research subject in a study |
status | Yes | code | candidate / eligible / follow-up / ineligible / not-registered / off-study / on-study / on-study-intervention / on-study-observation / pending-on-study / potential-candidate / screening / withdrawn |
period | No | Period | Start and end of participation |
study | Yes | Reference<ResearchStudy> | Study subject is part of |
individual | Yes | Reference<Patient> | Who is part of study |
assignedArm | No | string | What path should be followed |
actualArm | No | string | What path was followed |
consent | No | Reference<Consent> | Agreement to participate in study |
Search Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Expression |
date | date | Start and end of participation | ResearchSubject.period |
identifier | token | Business Identifier for research subject in a study | ResearchSubject.identifier |
individual | reference | Who is part of study | ResearchSubject.individual |
patient | reference | Who is part of study | ResearchSubject.individual |
status | token | candidate / eligible / follow-up / ineligible / not-registered / off-study / on-study / on-study-intervention / on-study-observation / pending-on-study / potential-candidate / screening / withdrawn | ResearchSubject.status |
study | reference | Study subject is part of | |
Inherited Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
id | No | string | Logical id of this artifact |
meta | No | Meta | Metadata about the resource |
implicitRules | No | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
language | No | code | Language of the resource content |
text | No | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation |
contained | No | Resource[] | Contained, inline Resources |
extension | No | Extension[] | Additional content defined by implementations |
modifierExtension | No | Extension[] | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
To view the FHIR specification for this resource, see ResearchSubject.