Metriport’s Elation app streamlines access to comprehensive patient health records by adding a convenient button directly in the patient’s Chart within Elation EHR. When clicked, this button opens a new tab taking you directly to the patient’s complete medical history in the Metriport dashboard.

Getting Started

To enable the Metriport Elation app in your practices, contact our team at We’ll work with you to:

  1. Set up the app in your Elation instance
  2. Configure the button placement in your patient Charts
  3. Enable single sign-on between Elation and Metriport

Once configured, the Metriport button will be available within your Elation EHR workflow, allowing quick access to comprehensive patient records.

How it Works

The Elation app automatically checks for patients with scheduled appointments in the next two weeks every 15 minutes. For each patient found:

  1. A new patient record is created in Metriport
  2. A Document Query is initiated to gather available health data
  3. A link to the Metriport dashboard is added to their Elation patient profile, allowing direct access to their comprehensive medical history

To successfully create patients in Metriport, the patient’s demographics in Elation must include both an address and zip code. Patients missing this information will not be synchronized.

Data write-back functionality to Elation is currently in development. Contact us for more information about upcoming features and app capabilities.